MBAER Bank - The Swiss Merchant Bank

The Bank with a Soul


mBaer Necessities 07/24

mBaer Necessities 07/24

In Q224, inflation continued trending down prompting the start of the easing cycle by G10 central banks. The global economy surprised positively as growth has been robust so far. Financial market valuations have risen globally.

mBaer Necessities 06/24

mBaer Necessities 06/24

Most investors manage their wealth for the long term, trying to maximize their returns for the risk that they are willing to take. But what if you have a financial goal that you want to reach by a certain, perhaps not that long-term, deadline? To answer this question, MBaer Merchant Bank launched the Project "Goal-Based Investing for retirement planning" in co-operation with Dr. Marcus Wunsch from ZHAW. Financial support from Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency, is gratefully acknowledged.


Finews CEO Interview

Finews CEO Interview

MBaer Merchant Bank does not consider itself a traditional private bank. However, founder Michael Bär sometimes remembers the principles of his great-grandfather. This approach clearly appeals to many in the banking industry.

mBaer Necessities 9/22

mBaer Necessities 9/22

Inflation is running at its highest level over four decades and is forecasted to stay high and far above central banks' targets also next year. Central banks failed to deliver on their commitment to keeping inflation under control. Fed and ECB can only restore their credibility by acting aggressively to bring inflation down and compensate for their policy, forecasting and communication errors.

mBaer Necessities 10/22

mBaer Necessities 10/22

With inflation running at its highest level over several decades and forecasted to stay high in the next year, many people are concerned that the sharp increase in the price level will erode their standard of living and hence their life satisfaction

mBaer Necessities 11/22

mBaer Necessities 11/22

In 2021, we launched the Global Investment Opportunities (GIO) strategies based on our proprietary factor investing approach. Our strategic asset allocation based on the insightful prediction of a surge in inflation resulted in strong risk-adjusted and relative performance for 2022.
