Changes happen every day on the financial markets which affect shares, currencies and interest rates. Diversification of your portfolio and prudent management of your securities are key factors for long-term successful investment.
Making the right decisions
As an investor, you want clarity as to
- whether there is a unified approach for your invested capital,
- if your investment strategy is in line with your requirements,
- whether the investment instruments used are suitable for achieving the results you want,
- if the costs of your investments are transparent, or whether you are paying hidden fees,
- whether your portfolio is monitored regularly and whether you are informed promptly when necessary.
Tailor-made investment solutions
Following a joint analysis of your requirements, your initial financial situation and your personal risk preferences, we help you to define your investment strategy. When it comes to implementing it, the following possible solutions are available to you:
Discretionary mandates
- You are looking for systematic and professional implementation of your investments. But you don't have the time or interest to do this yourself.
- You would like to delegate the implementation of your investment strategy.
Investment advisory
- You wish to benefit from the knowledge of our investment specialists, and want advice and proposed solutions that match your requirements.
- On the basis of our recommendations, you decide which transactions will be carried out.
Your personal consultant:
Moritz Wild
Senior Banker, Partner